Japan’s leading international trade fair specifically designed to address Hospital Needs, such as Medical Devices/Equipment, IT, Services, and more.
Oct. 9 (Wed) - 11 (Fri), 2024 10:00-17:00 (JST)
Venue: Makuhari Messe, Japan
Oct. 9 (Wed) - 11 (Fri), 2024 10:00-17:00 (JST)
Venue: Makuhari Messe, Japan
Oct. 9 (Wed) - 11 (Fri), 2024 10:00-17:00 (JST)
Venue: Makuhari Messe, Japan
*Including the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Discover the Latest Trends in Japan and Asia
Explore the latest advancements and trends in the medical and healthcare sectors across Japan and Asia.
Hands-On Experience
Get firsthand access to cutting-edge innovations in medical technology, elderly care, pharmacy, and healthcare industries.
Valuable Partnerships
Connect with industry experts and establish meaningful business relationships.
Network with Key Players
Engage with leading professionals and companies from around the world.
Enjoy Your Visit
Beyond the exhibition, immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and unique experiences Tokyo has to offer.
MEDICAL JAPAN TOKYO is a one-stop event covering every aspect of the Medical, Elderly Care, Pharmacy, Digital Health Industries in 6 sub-shows
Hospital Expo
Clinics Expo
B2B trade show gathering Medical Devices, Equipment, IT, Insurance Uncovered Treatment Services, and more for clinics.
Pharmacy Solutions Expo
B2B trade show covering all Pharmacy Systems, Dispensing Equipment, Supplies,
Functional Food, Supplements, etc.
Elderly Care & Welfare Expo
B2B trade show tailored to address Elderly and Community Care Industries, such as Elderly Care Facilities and Robots, Medical Wear, Communication Tools, Systems and Software, Rehabilitation Products, and more.
Infection Prevention Expo
B2B trade show covering all infection prevention products and systems for the fields of Medical and Elderly Care, including PPEs, Disposables, UV Light Devices, and more.
Japan Wellness &
Health Expo
Japan's leading healthcare exhibition that showcases everything,
from Healthcare to Food and Fitness Products.
Comments from Previous Visitors
Featured Conference Sessions for 2024 Tokyo Show!
Essential Measures! Cybersecurity in the Medical Field
How to Quantify Preparedness Against Cyber Attacks?
Tomohiro Kuroda
Department of Medical Information Planning,
Kyoto University Hospital
Kyoto University
Jason Tee
Senior Manager of Digital Health (Public Health)
Improving Productivity in Caregiving Settings: From the Introduction to the Establishment of Care Robots
Takashi Miyamoto
Director/CEO/Director of Facilities Management
Social Welfare Corporation Zenkoukai
Communication with Elderly Customers
Sayuri Habuki
Representative, Amor Fati Caregiver Training Division
Amor Fati Co., Ltd. Habuki Design Office
*Titles omitted.
Secure your spot and join Japan's Leading Medical, Elderly Care, Pharmacy Tradeshow
Show Outline
Dates: 2024. Oct. 9 (Wed) - 11 (Fri)
Venue: Makuhari Messe, Japan
Organiser: RX Japan Ltd.
Co-Organizers & Supporting Organizations
Japan Hospital Association
Japan Carel Association
Nipon Pharmacy Association
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
And other 100 organizations